
✨I created a YouTube channel✨

Hi friends!

Happy 1st of May! I hope you are all doing great so far in your week. As an homage to spring, I created a YouTube channel. I know it’s cliché but I feel like people would rather watch a 5 min video vs reading a 2-3 paragraph post.

I have no clue what this YouTube channel is going to be categorized as, just that I want to show you more about me and my interests. They say you have to focus on a niche and run with it. Then expand when you do have an audience.

My first video is my dog Ziggy, I wanted to educate people more about chocolate schnauzers because when they see her they tell me it’s not possible to have one. AKC does not acknowledge them as a breed because back then they described a schnauzer the typical salt and pepper coat. I say screw it, all dogs matter and she shouldn’t be labeled a “mutt”. She’s my chocolate schnauzer and I stand by it 110%.

I have her family tree paperwork, her dad is a chocolate schnauzer and her mom is a parti white and black schnauzer. You can see her coat has specks of white and it creates an illusion of an ashy brown coat. That’s what I love the most about her. She’s named Ziggy after Ziggy Marley.

After my cousin passed away we kept thinking about the song on a Beach in Hawaii. This also played during his funeral, it’s originally a love song, but like many songs-there’s different layers to it. Coincidentally, she shares the same birth month (September) as my late cousin and uncle. I knew that it was a sign for me! Ziggy needed to be part of my family. No regrets, she’s one of my lights in my life.

She’s been there for me through my sadness. She’s kept me company when Mark got deployed to Japan. She’s my protector at nights when I’m feeling scared. She follows me around the house to make sure I’m okay. I wish she could talk to me and tell me what’s on her mind. She’s a great Kleenex when I’m sad. Through it all, I’m happy she’s in my life. Even though she favors Mark over me...

The weather here is gloomy, it’s been like this for the past 3 days. I’m the type of person that needs to do something to let her creativity out. So on days I can’t shoot outfit posts, I will do a video! I’m so excited for what the future holds. Thanks so much for following my journey!

I love you and you are special, 
Moxia 🌙

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