
I’m done, Rae Dunn: The Madness

While living in Florida, my coworker Angelina, introduced me to Rae Dunn pottery. Her mom had a beautiful collection in her hutch, and at that time, I didn’t really care for it.... until I held my first mug!

Yes, it does start all with a mug, then you’re down that rabbit hole of Rae Dunn madness. This style of pottery is perfectly imperfect. To any non Rae Dunn collector, they say, “it’s a basic white mug with random words”. What collectors see (myself included) is a 2-10 hour drive “hunting” at TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Home Goods.

I never knew acquiring this pottery was stressful and disheartening. The first Rae Dunn piece that I bought “in the wild” were dog bowls. If you’re new to collecting, the coveted pieces are items that have the Long Letters. They also produce other collections including glassware and seasonal items.

Unfortunately, there is a high demand for LL items and you have to grab them before resellers. The first time I knew it was a “competitive” hobby was when I got my first Rae Dunn mug. I will never forget that day when this nasty reseller accused me of taking her photo. I literally was taking a Snapchat of my first mug and how it was red inside. I start bawling my eyes because she’s yelling at me, making a scene. I have never in my life felt this much hatred.

FYI, I do NOT have a Facebook.

I simply posted my first LL mug find to my friends on Snapchat. The workers at TJ Maxx were so kind enough to comfort me. I do not have any qualms with resellers. I know a lot about supply and demand, but it doesn’t mean you have to be impetuous. Can’t we all just practice kindness?

I value myself to never be in that predicament. Ever. This craze will not numb my soul and happiness. Now that I live in Washington, it’s hard to find, since everyone collects in my area. It does help me appreciate my little collection.

Share your crazy Rae Dunn experiences in the comments. I want to hear from you 🖤

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